Monday, April 7, 2014

6 Miles!!! I did it

I have been running/jogging during my lunch break, this means I am lucky to get 2 to 2.5 miles in! I have 45-55 minutes for lunch depending on the day. I run for 30 minutes and then need a quick "rise off" shower!

I have been trying hard to follow a plan that was given to me by a teacher who runs all the time. She has been amazing with  my Marathon Journey! Donna Sparks, you are amazing!

Well, I have yet to "run" a long run. I did it this weekend at the Family Farm. I ran 6.4 miles in 1 hour 34 minutes 39 seconds.... That may seem LONG to some of you expert runners! However to me, well I was rocking it! I did about a 15 minute mile.... It get's better I ran/jogged the First 3.2 miles. When I turned around it was harder the wind was really picking up.

See the pictures below! The hills were killer and DO NOT do justice to what they REALLY were!

Look at the flag! And the trees! The flag is at  90 degrees and the trees are leaning!

But I did it!!!!

Monday, March 31, 2014

I am now running!!!

I am now running! Yep, I just ran for 30 minutes, well ran and jogged. With a 5 minute cool down and I got 2.51 miles!
It may not seem like a lot to many of you, but to me it is amazing!!! I did not get a side ache and my legs do not hurt that bad!

I am now running during my 50 minute lunch break and then having a protein shake after. It is working well. I am super excited about my progress the past few months. A fellow teacher and runner gave me a new book to read today. Marathoning for Mortals, by John, "the Penguin" Bingham. I will be starting this tonight!

I will be blogging more often too, I am ready and really doing this! Here I come 1/2 marathon!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Get up Mommy! Get up!

I am working out Friday. I am so tried! I came home put in my DVD and started. I am almost done and my three year old son yells, "Get up Mommy! Get up! The people on TV are up!"
YES! I am slower than Shawn-T, I know it is hard to believe that I am not as fit or fast as him!

My son starts to jump up, go to the ground and do "push ups" on all four. My 18 month old daughter then also joins in on the action. Here we are, all three of us. Working out!

This makes me so happy. I want my children to have a long healthy lifestyle, even after they are grown and I am gone. I believe it starts here. We are working hard, together. My children see me work out. They got wrestling practice with their Dad. My children know it is important to work out and eat right.

I am happy to pass on this to my children.

What about you?

Friday, January 10, 2014

Stronger each day!

Now I am looking at shoes... I think I  like Newtons the best. I am a forward runner and I like the look. Anyone have any ideas or thoughts on shoes?

 I have had great support from a fellow teacher, Donna. She has run a few half and a few whole marathons.  She is the one who lent me the book The Courage to Start. My first read in training. She has also helped me with training guides, shoes and much more. THANK YOU DONNA! You are amazing.

I have found that I will need 18 weeks, or MORE to get ready for this run. Have I told you that I HATE running.  I am working hard with Insanity and getting stronger. It is a majorly intense program and I have to take many breaks!

I hate the scale! I get on it too much! I think I need more water and not too look at the number. I have gained weight the past few days! I am eating healthy, but not counting my calories. I have been writing down everything I eat! Which was an eye opener. I now double think what I put in my mouth.

I love Greek Yogurt, which was something I did not like for a long time. It is a great healthy snack.

What do you runners do to keep a healthy diet?

Thursday, January 9, 2014

I can do this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It started with "I finished my masters.... Now what?"
How about I run a marathon!? Great idea right?!!

Well let me tell you about myself. I am the person who sets goals and does not give up once set. I want to do things that make me think or push me! I have always wanted to be a teacher, since I can remember. I remember being in 6th grade and I knew, I was going to be a teacher.

Once I finished my undergrad, I knew I was going to get my masters by 30. I finished at 29.5 years old. School started and I was like, "hum.... I need a goal." I am not ready to start the PhD. yet....

How about running?! I HATE RUNNING?!! Well, A week ago, I got on the scale and it said 191.2. I about fell over!!! I am 30 years old and 5 foot 11 inches. I was "heavy" at 185 pounds when pregnant!

I was like OK! I need to get into shape.   I started to do Insanity the workout on Sunday the 5th of January. I am going strong each day I am DIEING a little less.

I picked my Half Marathon date of July 13, 2014. I have decided to blog about my journey and hopefully give someone else the courage to find a goal that seems impossible!

I have started my first book, Penguin. I also cannot run a city block without stopping or dying.

Thanks all!

Have a great day!